Sales & Use Tax Resources
Our mission is to provide a resource so business owners, accountants and bookkeepers can understand sales & use tax compliance.
We know that sales and use tax laws are not the easiest to understand.
eBooks & Whitepapers
Showing all 5 results
Texas Taxes for Audits
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Texas Taxes for Landscaping, Pest Control & Other Real Property Services
$29.99 -
Texas Taxes for the Construction Industry- New Construction
$29.99 -
Texas Taxes for the Construction Industry- Repair, Remodeling & Restoration
$29.99 -
Texas Taxes for the Construction Industry- Sales & Use Tax-2022
Articles & Videos
Addressing Sales and Use Tax Credits
This tip is about what you can do when you discover that you have overpaid sales or use tax on the purchase that you make for your business. As we discussed in an earlier video, there are various sales and use tax exemptions available to purchasers for miscellaneous reasons.
Sales and Use Tax Compliance- Scanning Documents
This sales tax tip is about document retention. Specifically, making sure you have a plan in place when it comes to scanning your documents. We talk about it a lot because it is so important to have a good document retention policy in place, especially in a sales and use tax audit context.
Sales Tax and Bad Debt Write-Offs
In our discussion, we are focusing on bad debts and how they affect the sales and use tax that you report to the taxing authority. We also discuss the importance of documenting which bad debts were written off and how important it is in an audit context.
Top 4 Red Flags About Bad Clients!
Over the course of my career I have regretted becoming engaged by select clients. I thought it would be good to share some of my experience dealing with difficult clients and the red flags that can help other small businesses identify them.
Accounting Software Upgrades & Reluctant Staff
The effectiveness of an accounting software upgrade is underminded if your accounting staff refuses to use it. You must manage your expectations and help your staff wrap their heads around the new technology in order to make the most of your oftentimes expensive upgrade.
Sales Tax Nexus- Am I Required to Collect Sales Tax?
A few years ago, the Wayfair case was everywhere. It changed the landscape regarding sales tax nexus and registration requirements for remote sellers all across the country. Let’s talk about what the case may mean for you and your business. For some people, it means very little. For other people, the world exploded.
Things to Do After Receiving a Sales Tax Audit Notice!
Nothing can kill a sugar or caffeine buzz quicker than a sales tax audit notice, right? Not so fast! The worst thing you can do is panic or allow a sales and use tax audit notice to color your day. You've got this!!...You do! Take a deep breath and DO NOT PANIC! ...
Sales and Use Tax Audits- Don’t Forget the Credit Cards
When you first receive notification that your business is going to audited for sales and use tax compliance, there are a number of areas of concern they may occur to you. One thing that business owners routinely overlook is company credit cards and how they can...
The Marriage of Sales Tax Compliance & Clear, Concise Invoices
Sales and use tax compliance is a complex thing. Knowing whether you must register in a jurisdiction (i.e., do you have nexus), whether what you sell is taxable, what tax rate you should charge, the applicable sales tax exemptions, etc. can be a lot to digest when you are starting your business. One thing that all business owners can do to make their lives easier is have clear and concise invoices.
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